Controlling Oily Skin Effectively

Oily skin is a problem that plagues many people and can cause significant anxiety and personal irritation. Here are a few tips that can help you control oily skin.


Sure, it sounds counterintuitive, but moisture is actually good for oily skin. Beauty experts al advocate these products as effective means of clearing skin and reducing oil.

The best cleanser and face wash for oily skin helps reduce oil production that give you skin that “shiny” look, while improving tone and reducing pore size.

Sebaceous glands secrete sebum (oil) that helps hydrate, moisturize, and nourish the skin and hair.  A primary contributor to acne is the infection that develops when dead skin cells, yeast, and oil combine.

The best face wash for oily skin is the one that will help remove dirt and dead skin cells gently. Glycolic cleansers will exfoliate the skin without the scrub or over drying the skin. Darker Skin tones should be aware of salicylic acids bad reputation for causing Hyperpigmentation which is the darkening of the skin.


Oily Skin can be caused by hormone production, genetics and a number of many other factors. The oil which is referred to as ‘sebum’ among medical and cosmetic professionals is produce in the second layer of skin which is how the oils gets to your hair and skin to keep you hydrated.